As Pastor of Greater Love church, it is my responsibility to articulate the vision that God has given me for this ministry. It is vital to see this vision carried out by the members of our Church. Greater Love Church’s vision is three-fold: To Glorify God: The purpose of our worship is to glorify our Lord and savior Jesus Christ by responding to the leading of the spirit to fulfill God’s will for our congregation. God deserves our best as we enthusiastically send up our praise and worship together. To Edify Believers: We exhibit the Love of God through educating the Lord’s people by developing Christian disciples and giving all aspects of the community an opportunity to experience Jesus. At Greater Love, come as you are. We are developing leaders to help in life’s journey. We teach seasoned, unseasoned, spiritually restless, churched, and un-churched people to love Jesus, serve others, and tell the local community and the world about Jesus.” To Evangelize the world: Reaching into the devil’s pit, snatching people from darkness, and bringing them to the light effectively combating the evils of sickness, poverty, and sin by evangelizing to the community and the world through anointed preaching and teaching. We refuse to be ignored b the community in which we live. We love the people through whatever they are going through.”
The Mission of Greater Love Church is to be integral in a holistic ministry exhibiting love towards our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and love to our community and to the world. We exemplify love and compassion with a strong desire to minister to the broken hearted that Jesus heals all manners of sickness and fulfills the needs of the poor. We proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor spreading love and compassion to the needs of God’s people reaching the lost at all costs. Our Church reaches across cultural barriers showing forth the glory of God regardless of face, creed, color, or national origin. We educate, inspire, and train people to do well spiritually, physically, and economically that the will of God may be fulfilled in their lives. At Greater Love, “We love you no matter what you are going through.”
Each of you should decide in your heart how much to give, not reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully. (2nd Corinthians 9:7)
Greater Love Church
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